Yes, if you’re wondering if you read that correctly, it does say “wine” on that wooden toy. I love teaching preschool.
I had just distributed several small cups which we would be using for an art project. One child got a wild hair and began chanting “Beer for sale!” Of course, the others picked up on it within seconds and only seconds after that I called out, “WE DON’T HAVE BEER IN SUNDAY SCHOOL!”
Whether they couldn’t hear me over their own gleeful chorus or whether the temptation to continue something so deliciously forbidden was just too great I really couldn’t say. So I called out again, “WE DON’T HAVE BEER IN SUNDAY SCHOOL!” this time adding, “You can talk about wine if you need to!” They immediately changed their product line from beer to wine, but then ended their business venture abruptly after only another chant or two. Apparently school sanctioned alcohol isn't as much fun.
Beer...or wine for that matter, would be a wonderful addition to Sunday school! ;) Love your writing style. I'll check back often.
OMGosh! That is a riot! I was a Sunday School sub for awhile and one session the kids (4 year olds) were discussing the beer drinking dads!! I agree with the above comment a little booze in Sunday school might be a welcome addition!
Great story :) My son tried with all his might to get me to buy "soda" shaped candles for his birthday cake - fortunately I was able to talk him into the brightly-colored "5"....since the "soda" was really beer!
I forgot to add, Jill...I saw your comment on my blog about your daughter's adenoids. My son just had his removed last month and it has given him so much relief :) Thought you might like to know!
A friend of mine had to talk her son out of the Corona pinata for his birthday last year. I know we all would have thought that was really funny, but she didn't want to have to explain that to him when he got older.
What a riot! Kids really do say the funniest things!
that is too funny! ;)
I think you may be onto something there with the "school sanctioned"...perhaps next time my kids are doing something I really don't want them to do, I'll tell them it's fine and see how long they continue....:)
Yeah...there's always a delicate balance between whether a behavior will play itself out faster if you ignore it or if you squash it flat immediately.
I'm pretty sure yelling "Beer for Sale!" during a Sunday school lesson calls for being squashed flat though. :-)
oh my! reminds of when my son pretended his apple juice was beer at his Christian pre-school. we got a call from the director!
love how you handled the whole thing!
Too funny!
See now, if there were selling beer at church in general, I'm sure attendance would rise. Maybe your students are onto some great marketing idea! (Love your blog - I'll be reading!)
ROFLMBO My neice sang all my ex's live in texas for the entire sunday school class when asked what songs theyw ant to sing she was gonna teach it to them.. this was some years ago but i LOVE LOVE to hound her about it now heheheeh THIS IS TOOO CUTE
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