Let me tell you, it's entirely possible that I gave some wrong advice the last time I wrote about dating. My exact words were "Don't try it!" I always say the only thing I know for certain is that I don't know anything for certain. So, y'know...I could have called that one wrong. Here's Sugar inspecting the flowers I got for Valentine's Day:

Now, since I only tried online dating for ten days, only gave my phone number out to two guys, and only went on a date with one of the two, I'm probably not qualified to give advice on online dating.
But then again, I got exactly what I requested: a guy who knows a song about a chicken AND a song about whiskey, who calls frequently but not enough to be considered stalker material, who is willing to eat outside now and again, and a harmless yet demented sense of humor. So maybe I am qualified. You choose.
If I am qualified to be dispensing advice, more or less this is what I've got: Date a guy who really CAN come up with a song about a chicken! They just don't make 'em better than that.
Thank you again for the wishes for my grandfather and happy Valentine's Day everyone! Since I haven't figured out a way to put real chocolate at the end of the post or transmit it over the internet, here's a Valentine for everyone via Roger at Idaho Daily Photo!

So the flowers aren't from Sugar, huh? :-) Happy Valentine's Day!
Lovely flowers ;)
Happy V-day hun
Getting flowers is so much fun!
You know, the only things I have ever had experience with cats bringing home are a lot less enjoyable than flowers.
JP - Nope! Not from Sugar! I have to be sure and hide my credit card from him. I mean, not that he'd buy me flowers - I'm pretty sure he'd toss it in the toilet along with the phone...
You too Noelia! Hope you had a good one!
Alf - Yeah, very fun & so pretty with them there that I could almost forget my living room looks like a storage shed...
Frogster - Oops! I guess I wrote that in a confusing way...although I'm SURE that if I gave Sugar my credit card, he would order me flowers. He's just that kind'a cat. :-)
I hope you don't mind I tagged you over on my blog. Head over and take a look to see what to do. I apologize if you hate these.
Your my favorite Texan Jill!!
Thanks Allie AND Roger!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
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