My sometimes somewhat sort of barely in control life... | Do Try This at Home: My sometimes somewhat sort of barely in control life...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My sometimes somewhat sort of barely in control life...

Yet again I have not only failed to fall off the face of the Earth, but have continued to cling (tenuously? tenaciously?) to the blogging world too. Lately the story is that my 98 year old grandfather has been sick and seems unlikely to recover.

Those of us in denial (Yeah. Okay. It's just me in denial) are pretty sure he'll make a complete comeback in time for my daughter's Bat Mitzvah in June. But in the at the moment he's in hospice care which, I've been told by my boss, is not a good sign. Ok, so I might be all by myself living here in denial, but the schools are great and the property values are good and the neighbors...ok, so the neighbors have moved out but ANYHOW...

My mom came in to move what was left of my grandfather's stuff to various locations around the city, so my little apartment now looks like a storage warehouse. Sure, I could be conjuring nooks and crannies to store an extra bed, TV and dining room table instead of updating my blog...

At any rate I now have enough q-tips, coffee filters, and bandaids to last through my kids' high school years. It's lucky, because bandaids are one of those things I never think to buy until someone is already bleeding all over the place. And who wants to go to the drugstore when someone's bleeding?

It's not totally fair to blame my lack of blog updating solely on my grandfather's illness. In all honesty, my life tends toward the barely in control even when running along at its smoothest. But I will make at least a half hearted attempt to update on the other crazies later in the week...


Beth said...

Aw Jill, I am sorry about your grandpa, mine is 95 so I am expecting this to come soon for us too. In the meantime, enjoy what time you have with him. As a side note, I am having a garage sale next Saturday, if you want to try to sell some stuff that you have no real home for, feel free to join me.

Carey said...

Sorry about your grandpa...Hospice is supposed to be the best care...not just for your grandpa but for the whole family.

Curly Glamour Girlie said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. And I hear you about space - we're slowly being squeezed tight by all the baby paraphanelia.

ALF said...

Very sorry to hear about your Grandpa but that's awesome about all the bandaids!

toners said...

Jill, I am so sorry. My Gramps is 94 and I know that at some point we'll get a similar call. Enjoy your time with him :)

Disa said...

i find blogging is a wonderful way to use my favourite coping strategy; avoidance.

Maureen said...

So sorry to hear about your grandfather Jill. Take care.

the frogster said...

Whatever. Update your blog when you can. Your blogpals will still be here.

Sorry about grandpa. I just went through the loss of my father, so I know how tough it can be. Hang in there.

You can never have too many Q-Tips.

Lara Neves said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. It doesn't seem to matter how old they are, losing them (or beginning to) comes as a big shock. Joel's Grandfather was 93 when we lost him last fall.

And, I also never think to buy bandaids. Kind of sad. :)

Ingrid said...

It always amazes me, the stuff grandparents seem to acumulate. I swear my grandmother buys things like she's preparing for the apocalypse.

I'm so sorry to hear he's ill. I don't think optimism is the same thing as denial, you just sound hopeful.

Take care and try not to lose any kids/animals in the mountains of coffee filters and q-tips.

Kerry McKibbins said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I lost my grandmother (93) in November. She had been sick too, with hospice. Please know that I am thinking of you and sending you good thoughts.

RW said...

I am sorry about your Grandpa Jill, But I do wish a Happy Valentines!

Jill said...

Thanks everyone. He does look incredibly well for what is supposedly happening to him. He sounds at least as sharp as he's ever sounded. I dunno how many more surprises he has in him at his age, but I still think he could last awhile yet.

Jill said...

Oh and Ingrid - I think I'm more in danger of losing the kids in the extra bed mattresses!!!! :-) :-) :-)


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