As if both of us being capable of enjoying chicken songs weren't enough, it just so happens that The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken has the same exact salt and pepper shakers that I used to have! His are way more animated than mine ever were though.
Look, here his are standing around looking surprised as salt shakers are apt to do. Mine did that. It's fairly common in the salt shaker community:

These guys come from the MoMA. They hug and look adorable on your counter and stuff. Mine hugged a lot on the counter just like his:

This morning though, I noticed that The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken's salt shaker had PUKED on his pepper shaker!

I never, EVER noticed my salt shakers puking on each other, and if they did, they certainly cleaned up the evidence before I woke up!
As if that weren't indecent enough, The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken and the salt shakers apparently had some fun while I wasn't looking, so that I was surprised to find these pictures in my email:

I would like to assure you that most salt shakers are much more modest and would never find find themselves with pictures published on the internet of themselves in compromising positions. I would like too, but the truth of the matter is that I have limited experience when it comes to the morals and values of salt and pepper shakers.
I might recommend having a little chat with ALL your kitchen utensils and make sure they are aware of dangers of their indiscretions being exposed on the internet this way. In fact, I believe these very salt and pepper shakers had aspirations of shaking salt and pepper in the White House, but alas their chances are probably ruined.
ha ha why don't you and The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken get a room! Have a great time Jill!! :D
This needed an XXX rating
That's funny. That looks like soemthing I might pull!
Poor, poor Salt. He took advantage of her. He got her completely wasted and then took pictures and posted them online.
When she wakes up, she is going to be MORTIFIED.
Then again, they say that once you try Pepper, you never go back.
Roger - We have a room! It's called the KITCHEN and there are salt shakers in there...KIDDING!!!!! Actually, I don't even understand the implications of my own joke here but I'm hoping it must be funny for some reason...
Sorry Gingerkitty! Do you really think so? I thought it was a little more risqué than I usually get around here, but there wasn't any actual nakedness so I figured why not? Then again, I may be a little embarrassed when my mom & dad read it...I say "not kid friendly" on the pea board - does that count?
Miss M - I think you and your salt shakers should go to town!
Too funny Christine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROTFLMBO. You know I think you have the kind of sense of humor that may enjoy LOL. Thanks for making me laugh!
Ok...Now what are the odds of the two of you having the same salt and pepper shaker set?? Just like the squid's meant to be! :-)
That is hilarious. Naughty salt and pepper.
Ha... This is some crazy stuff. I'm loving it.
Too bad it wasn't animated.
So funny...pepper has been a bad boy!
That is too funny.
That is a funny site Queentracy! Statue molesters all over have yet to discover the joy of immodest salt shakers, I'm sure. It will be big! I can see it now!
Janet - We do seem like a good match. It's not every guy who actually gets a good laugh out of me flooding his entire new car with coffee after all. Plus, we're both Jews who enjoy music about Jesus. Go figure. Shrug, shrug...
Thanks Allie, Urban Thought, Linda & Alf!
LOL, I never imagined my salt and pepper in compromising positions!
OK, this has to be my favorite blog entry yet! too funny, love it. Looking forward to seeing the guy...chicken and you at our usual Tues. gatherings. He definitely fits into our gang!
Carey - Glad if I was able to give you a laugh today. Seems like a day when you might need one.
Beth - Don't he though?!?!? :-) :-) :-)
I actually got aroused reading this entry. I pray for those little children each Sunday. Or maybe the salt shakers.
They got whips? lol
thank you
now I have to clean the coffee off of my computer screen.
John - I'm sure there's a self help group for that around somewhere. :-) :-) :-) The arousal by salt shakers I'm talking about, not the praying. I'm actually in favor of praying for Sunday school students. Or salt shakers. Or people aroused by salt shakers. :-0 :-0 :-0
Kerry - Glad your computer screen got some caffeine out of the deal! So many people ignore their computer screens needs that way.
The salt/pepper shaker compromising positions were hilarious. But its the puke picture that I love!
oh err missus! if that appeared in a sandtray that one of my clients at work did, there would be a whole treatment plan worked up. granted i partook of rearranging a couple of neighbour's lawn ornament xmas reindeer into somewhat compromising positions for their owners to discover the following morning.
El Pato - The candids are always the best, aren't they?
Disa - Sounds like fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i actually got these ones off of venice beach for him, so their actions suit their locale...ones from MoMA would be much classier in their behavior.
HMM - Well that certainly explains their behavior!!!!!!!!!! KIDDING!!!!!!!! But only because I've never actually been to Venice Beach. It's just that I know those salt shakers from Galveston are all kinds of smarmy...
:-) :-) :-)
Bwahahahaha! That was really cute and you and TGWKASAAC are definitely meant to be if you you had matching MoMa salt 'n pepper shakers!
Actually, it's a bit freaky. I have this vision of you slowly start wearing similar clothing until you become a matched pair!
Christine: hahaha on the trying Pepper comment!
Well, if anything, your post shows what they mean by "spice o' life" and "SPICY!"
Ms.Q - I dunno. I'm thinking I could do without seeing the guy in a spaghetti strapped tank top... :-0 :-0 :-0
Glad to have amused Circemagic!!!
Ricardo - I'm ***innocent*** I tell 'ya!!!! I just happened to notice the puke. The other two pictures showed up in my WORK email (of all places) totally unannounced!!!
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