In other news, I think I need to make a Sporadic Blogger Award:

But none of that is the point. The point is, I've had complaints about the length of the name "The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken." And truth be told, it IS slow to type. In fact, several of the complaints came directly from my own fingers. So, unless I get a negative response from the guy himself, I'm changing his name to Razor. Razor is what my friend Laurie calls him anyway for reasons that fall into the category I just made up called "Things That Make Sense Only To Laurie".

At any rate I seem to have made a few scattered points:
-My life is not as exciting as one might hope based on my absence from blogging
-Then again it's not boring either, because I'm going to see STEVE EARLE tonight!!! (not that I'm excited or anything)
-The guy is now called Razor
-Itunes might or night not also hate Hayes Carll. Oh wait, I didn't make that point. But I should have, because I love to talk about Hayes Carll. Also, I-tunes might even hate him because his "She Left Me For Jesus" caused some kind of stink amongst those who don't like their humor flavored with a little blasphemy.
Haha I like your new name for the man. Razor. Random nicknames are so especially fun.
I understand the feeling of not having a blogger-thing to say!
Razor is much easier than "The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken" whew.
Razor makes total sense, I "get" Laurie! I also had to comment that I certainly deserve your random blogger award, mine are even worse than yours, haven't been hit with an idea in a long time now!
by the way, can we get rid of the funky letter scramble in order to post? It took me 7 tries to post my last comment and lord knows how many it will take to get this one to work. Is it really necessary because it is becoming harder and harder to read those letters with all their funky curves.
reminds me of dd's high school, all the guys had 'code' names...
so we could talk freely.
now our only code is how she greets me on the phone, to let me know her fiance is also listening.
(kinda hate 3 way calling)
left you a tag on my blog
My posts are most definitely sporadic, but they are never random. There is always a reason even if that reason is "because that's what I do." Hey, like Laurie. I thought I was totally unique. God, way to ruin my self image with your "blog."
See how I put that in quotes thereby diminishing its importance? I feel better now.
Thanks Derek! I think Razor himself is a little less enthusiastic, but we'll see I guess...
Carey - Yeah, I actually got real life complaints, other blog complaints and then there were my fingers... (*shrug shrug*).
Beth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! I'm giving you the "Sporadic Blogger Award"!!!!!!
Karensue - Yeah, the nicknames also work well when trying to distinguish between possible interests. I occasionally ask my friend if she's going to have a date with "old guy" or "young guy". Last summer she had a couple dates with "smoothie guy" (because he bought her a smoothie). Thanks on the tag!
Jeff - Well you guys would be ***PERFECT*** for each other then!!! Except...Laurie likes guys a little more emotionally unavailable than you seem like you'd be. :-) :-) :-) Actually you've met her - I brought her to a couple of your shows. I'm glad I could make you feel better!!!!!! SAY!!!!!! Do you have a car number for the Art Car parade yet?!?!?!?! See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Razor is such a cool nickname -- I wish you'd been in charge of giving me mine ... which is 'Punkin' and was fine when I was 4.
TGWKASAAC - you could use that name for him. Although, that might be even more difficult than typing it all out. Stick with Razor. Good idea.
Because, you know, I have had 2 separate guys do exactly that. One I ended up marrying, but maybe that is beside the point. (or perhaps that IS the point, because, you know, he, um, seems to have left Jesus in the intervening years)...
I first heard that song a couple of months ago, and would LOVE to see Hayes Carll's version somewhere. But all I could think, that night, was "I wish I could have written that, because it is EXACTLY how I felt at the time."
And "Razor" sounds sexy as hell.
Yes. Razor is much better than
And I love the award idea too.
Delmer - I think you might actually want LAURIE providing the actual nickname, not me. I'm prone to nicknames like "Woobie". :-0 :-0 :-0
Alf - Yeah I guess I could just put in a bunch of capital letters & hope for the best! :-)
Christine - I *****love*** Hayes Carll! (And John Prine, which I just noticed on your list while I was looking around to look for a place to email you the link directly. "Illegal Smile" was on the radio today!). Anyway, found this at least - She left me for Jesus It was a free download on Itunes for a little while. I sure wish I could find my bank card or my checkbook or something so I could buy his new CD...
Maureen - looks pretty well sold then (as if Christine's comment didn't do that already!!! :-) ...except for Razor himself. I'd give you my little homemade award, but you actually ***keep up*** your blog!!!! Unlike your childhood diaries... :-) :-)
Hope you had a good time at the Steve Earle concert!
Oh and I didn't take your checkbook, I hope you find it soon!!
AT first I was thinking, "Razor?" he doesn't seem like a "Razor" but then....well, I put 2 and 2 together and I think it added up!
So...Razor works for me! I was never sure about the whole chicken thing and was always amazed about how well he took your spilling an entire mug of coffee on his car floor and thought of him as the Guy-Who-Laughed-Over-Spilt-Coffee. Or something like that.
Glad you didn't go for Woobie or some such thing. I've heard such names cause those in the near vicinity a case of the hurls.
I remember Laurie. Tell her I am COMPLETELY emotionally unavailable. I am so disinterested in everything, I'm almost in a coma. ;)
We're going to be up close to the front from what I understand. I have a number, but it doesn't tell you an order because they don't do it that way - go figure.
Roger - Dag nab it! I was hoping you'd have that thing!!! What about my bank card, have you seen that?
Ms.Q - Does it at least help that I often shorten it to Woob? Probably not...
Jeff - I'll make sure & let her know! :-) :-) :-) Can't WAIT for the parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE dragging the kids around in the heat until the point of exhaustion, but ESPECIALLY for the art car parade!!!!!
Shorten it to "woob" uh..that sounds too much like "boob" or "noob" and none of which usually means something nice.
I *should* be overjoyed at UOA (Utterances of Affection) and usually get a little of the "Awww" feeling but when it nears the baby-talk and couple cooing...not so into it. I don't mind being called someone's sweetie and it takes the right kinda guy to get away with calling me "baby" (and the right moment!!!) but I cannot deal with what I call the "ooowee-gooey-sugar-num-nums" talk.
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