We also visited more popular places, like New Orleans and Orlando. Unfortunately my camera loved New Orleans so much that it decided to defect.
I wanted to stay too, but did you see ME hiding under one of the cable car benches hoping Razor wouldn't notice? No. I returned to Houston, responsible citizen that I am. My camera on the other hand, stayed on to party in the Big Easy.
It's a shame too, because I had a picture of a manhole cover in Morgan City, Louisiana that read (in part) "Do Not Molest." What kind of perverts do they have in Morgan City that they molest defenseless manhole covers?!?!?!
I had a picture of a sign posted in that same town on the lawn of a restaurant that said, "Parking for Customers Only." On the lawn. But for customers only. 'Cause they're way too classy to let just any old riffraff park on their lawn.
I saw a notice very similar to this one on a water heater in a bathroom somewhere between Cameron, Louisiana and Abbeville, Louisiana:

I saw a sign today just like this one:

Yeah...right. Well. And good thing school is starting because now I can expose impressionable preschoolers to these types of questions and more...
I think the preschoolers will have no problem answering your qusetions.
To understand who would want to molest the covers let me rewrite the word manhole a bit..."man" "hole".
I'm not sure I want drivers meditating in traffic. Doesn't that involve closing one's eyes and counting out ten breaths over and over?
That's great, that the traffic is so thoroughly and lastingly calmed that they can put a sign up. I can just see the road workers dusting off their palms before they get back in the truck.
"Well, that's done."
Alf - Yeah, I think I should go ahead & let the short people do the teaching this year...
SJ - Funny! :-)
Good thinking Delmer! They probably went the medication route then...
Christine - Yeah, they're all set in that part of town now I guess. Too bad they'll be losing money on traffic tickets.
Love the signs, Jill! I don't even want to THINK about that molesting thing...lol
OK, I'm thinking since you saw this sign in New Orleans, it's prolly a messed-up translation. Now, if I can still remember any of my French, I believe "molester" can be translated as "to bother". Basically what they're trying to say is "don't mess with the manholes"!
OK, how's that for over-analyzing and ruining the moment? lol
I agree with ALF, the answers to your questions lie within the pre-schollers. Boy you start school early over there, the kiddies here don't go back until Sept 3rd.
Wow, now that was some bad translating...
But I'm still wondering about the calm traffic...
Thanks Janet! I'm always in favor of over analyzing everything!!!! Just my style y'know... :-)
DJ = Can't wait to find out! The kids started back yesterday but I missed my first day due to a funeral...can't see what they have to say for themselves today though!
Maureen - I think they have the traffic on tranquilizers in that particular part of town because the cars were getting so stressed out by their daily commute...or something... :-0
There is nothing like a nice shinny, round, supple manhole cover. ...Hubba, hubba......I like to git drunk and have my way with them.
Lotus - So YOU'RE the one the mommy manhole covers warned them about!!!!! Should'a known!!!!!!!!!!!! :-0 :-0 :-0
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