All right already! So I took the picture in New Orleans where it actually IS legal to drink in the streets. Still, I wanted to provide this public service announcement so that street drinkers the world over can keep some semblance of self esteem. I'm Okay, You're Okay and all that...
Which brings me to my second, totally unrelated point: you gotta love a guy who uses a propane torch to scramble eggs. Or I do, at any rate. It didn't actually occur to me to question why scrambling eggs would necessitate a trip to the garage, but he came back with this stuff:

Drink what exactly? It's very legal to drink non-alcoholic juices and non-alcoholic water on our streets.
Hank Hill?
When I was in San Francisco (1983) we could drink in the streets. We had to keep the beer in a brown paper bag though.
Just further evidence that Razor is a keeper - guy will do anything, use any tool to cook you a meal! Hehehe.
I know they sell those little torches to put that nice sugar crust on creme brulee (I think brulee may be French for "burn") but using a propane torch to roast a pepper? Cool. I like a man who can (safely) play with fire!!
His reasons for not publishing his picture are not unfathomable to me. Some day I too hope to post maybe a closeup of oh, the Big Toe of the guy who is happy to be squeezed by me.
SJ! BEER! Of course...
Honestly...what other drink IS there?!?!!?!?
People - Who?!?!?
Delmer - Paper bags are SO convenient!!!!!!! I love those things.
Ms.Q - Yeah, Razor said you could use them for creme brulee. So it really is a cooking tool then?
I'm loving the use of the blow torch. The only thing more manly would be cooking over a fire that was made. Or maybe eating everything raw. :P
Anything that heats up can be a cooking tool. There were these 2 guys who had recipes for cooking food using their car engine. They'd wrap food in foil and pack it over the engine somewhere. There were recipes for different lengths of trips.
I recalling seeing them on TV. Goofy.
Think of the Foreman Grill. Not too different than those straightening irons for hair. Hmm..you could probably make a decent "Grilled" cheese sandwich using a clothes iron (steam setting off) and some foil so you wouldn't make the iron dirty.
If you can blowdry a wishbone...
Anyway, have fun making that Ironed Sandwich. Don't tell my you aren't thinking of trying it.
Unless you don't have an iron..
No Jill, that torch is about 10x the size of the normal cooking tool type torch. I want to seriously know why the heck he even owns that propane torch? I am sure he must have some sort of good answer? now he is scaring me :)
Razor + cooking with a blow torch = tres cool! Who needs a pic, keep him your delicious secret! I am so happy for you that this is all working out, love is so lovely!!!!!
Wow. Now my husband will need a torch. A two stroke blender and a torch.
OH, I am so NOT showing this to hubby. I do not want singed walls, floors, furniture....
Derek - Yeah...well...I think the propane torch probably does a little better job at impressing the ladies than eating raw. I mean, just a guess. :-)
Ms.Q - That is SO FUNNY that you say that about cooking on the car engine, because when we were on vacation last month I took a picture (which got lost along with my camera) of Razor heating up some tamales on our car engine!!!! We were both really sad to lose that picture - almost as sad as losing the camera. :-( The engine worked quite nicely though!!!!!
Beth - I'd ask him, but I accidentally ruined him this evening by making him sleep on the ground for two nights. I'm not sure he's ever going to revive.
Thanks DJ Kirkby! Yeah, now as long as I didn't totally ruin him camping this weekend...
Sorry Alf - didn't mean to be giving your husband ideas...though I'd of thought he'd be too busy with that yard!!!!!!
Maureen - Yeah, he spooked his daughter some with that thing, but nary a singe in the entire house except for the pepper. Swoon! :-)
Oh, he's a famous salesman of propane and propane accessories.
Makes me wonder what he could do with a flame thrower?
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