ANYWAY, my computer has returned, finally, from warranty hell and Twipply Skwood is back in business.
Hurricane and moving-induced problems aside, my compaq was the proud owner of a bad motherboard. As far as I can tell, microcenter installed two more bad mother boards in a row so that I haven't had a reliable computer since May. Happily ever after.
I've had requests for pictures of the new house. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of batteries as I was taking the pictures but I got a few before it pooped out.
The front of the house:

The back of the house (as seen through the living room windows):

The Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken's study:

Did I mention it's a seventies house? Complete with wet bar:


My boy's room:

The younger gal's room:

The older gal's room and a cute kitty:

Last but not least, it has a big ole' honkin' garage. Which is good. Because The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken has a lot of tools and crap to fix stuff (swoon):

I think I will keep getting my post at the older prices: free.
Welcome back to civilization and your "cave" looks great !
Very cool! I like the brick wall inside and the bedrooms look huge!
Awesome house! And great cat.
NICE! and a man with man tools (is that a Delmer-ism?) Yow!
Very cool study. I'm more of a study person than a pool person. Like the bookcases WITH BOOKS huge desk.
Nice to have you back!! My blog is on its way to a new home and I dunno if that move will be successful. I'm guessing there will be bad links, missing links, whackyness.
And why are you back to using that long chicken song name? What happened to Razor?
Hmm..someone I hope to know better is visiting Bandera, TX. I know, makes me thing of Antonio Banderas. He (guy I hope to know better) wrote it's the self-proclaimed "Cowboy Capital of the World" - huh.
Is that near you? I could google but maybe later.
Glad you're baaaacccck!
Ok, well I answered everyone but apparently my internet is not back up to normal. I think I said something along the lines of -
SJ - Yeah, but 75% off of free is still a really good deal! And thanks on the cave!
Alf - Yes, the bedrooms are really huge. & I like the brick a lot - makes it seem cozy somehow.
Thanks Christine!
Ms.Q - I can't even begin to figure out what I wrote to you. Something about why I went back to the long name...Oh! I know one thing I wrote is that I'm a study person AND a pool person. 'Cause you get the book and go out to the pool, y'see?
The one time I lived a few miles from the nearest swimming I was VERY miserable about it. I more or less have to live near water.
And what else???? Bandera I think is very West of here. Hoping to hear more about the guy you're hoping to know better though!
Oh good to see that you're back! That house is looking pretty good. :)
Nice digs. I love that brick arch!
Ooooh....glad to see you back in business!
I love the new house...I especially love the archway going into that study. Gorgeous!
Thanks Derek, Kristina & Lara! Very good to be back~!
I think Banderas is west of you as well. I recall wondering if he flew into Houston or Dallas airport. It's not far from either city - like 30 miles.
My blog has a new address! Well, more simplified address. Got rid of the /blog thing, something I've been meaning to do. Haven't quite got email configured, working on it.
I am such a bad blog hopper! Just getting caught up on all the excitement in your life...the house is awesome! A pool?? Get out! Hope the kitties are adjusting well!
NICE back yard!!
Saw you at MsQ's ... and I migrated over to say hello :-)
Great House!!!
So exciting!
I want more pics please.
Just been over there Ms.Q! It's nice that we were sort of out of commission at the same time.
Janet - I've been bad too! But at least I have my computer back! I'll be less bad now. But probably still not good. :-)
Thanks Speedcat! I have been really enjoying the back yard. I'm hoping this weekend's cold weather doesn't kill it all.
Thanks Kerry! I'll have more soon!
Yeah, we did kinda move at the same time and then you encountered all those technical difficulties!
But yeah, not too out of synch so you didn't miss much of anything.
Email is working again.
Guy I want to know better? A bit of an "oh well"
Oh well. :-(
Holy crap! Beeee-utiful home!!! That remark about the photo of the closed door cracked me up!
Pool.... I am so jealous.
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