I'm KIDDING! There is no fake Jesus church. At least, I think I'm kidding.
Because it stands to reason that the True Jesus church must be distinguishing itself from something, after all. So it seems like there should be a Fake Jesus church around here somewhere. Maybe.
Meanwhile, the school has put me in charge of my boy's thoughts. Scary, huh? Seriously, I'm only interested in being in charge of my boy's food and the way he spends his time. I had no idea parenting included thought control.
But three times a week I have to sign a paper that says my boy practiced his multiplication tables in his head for fifteen minutes a session. So on our drive to school, while it's still dark out, I say "Okay! Start thinking about math!"
And then I time him while he thinks about math. And THEN I sign a paper that says he thought about math. And then his teacher signs it.
How the heck does SHE know what he's thinking!?!?!?! At least I'm in the car with him. I'm pretty sure the school's not going to be giving me any awards for hoping he secretly thinks about ping pong or curing cancer or platypuses or something every now and again.
I've been semi-absent from Blogerville lately, in part because KPFT radio station had its pledge drive. So that meant I got to spend my free time (which, I believe, averages out to 46 seconds a day, occurring mostly before 6:00 am) taking pledges.
I missed out on some blogging time, but I got to talk to a little old lady who told me that the reason she was so hard to understand was because she was on too much whiskey. Glad she cleared that up.
And I got to take a pledge from
Hayes Carll and tell him my entire family is in love with him. Except I forgot to tell him my entire family is in love with him, but at least I remembered to take his pledge.
And we saw Hayes Carll in concert. And we saw
Guy Forsyth in concert (Guy Forsyth in a cheesy venue is still awesome, in case you were wondering).
And then the rest of my free time I've been forced to spend rollerblading because it's been gorgeous out. And them are the rules. At least, I'm pretty sure that's why dad always went through the house saying, "What you doing inside?!?!? It's gorgeous out!!!! At least open window for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Anyway, that's what I've been up to, controlling my boy's thoughts. Taking pictures of church signs...the usual.