Older Gal (coming into the back yard) - "What are you doing?"Several seconds pass.
The-Guy - "Good Morning 'Older Gal'"
Older Gal - "Good Morning. What are you doing?"
The-Guy - "I'm scrubbing out the pool. Earlier today I took a run."
Me - "I put your soul up for sale on Ebay."
Older Gal - "Thanks"
Older Gal - "Thanks? I didn't mean thanks.Older Gal heads back inside the house.
I mean thanks, but I meant, can I see the listing? Why did you put MY soul up for sale?"
Me - "I thought it would get a better price than mine."
Older Gal (nods) - "Oh. Okay."
Several minutes later, Older Gal pops her head out the back door and calls out, "Did you put my soul up for sale because I'm young and virgin?!?!"
I didn't, but I'll highlight both those qualities in the description. That should up the bidding. Meanwhile, Kristine came up with a great idea: We can sell Sugar's soul nine times!
Except, I'm pretty sure Sugar may have beaten us to the punch on this one. He's already a pretty evil cat. Nimue, on the other hand, is fairly innocuous. I'll bet all nine of his lives are still up for grabs.
Speaking of which, have you ever tried to get a cat to pose with a flag of Israel so as to wish the blogging world a happy Israeli Independence Day/Yom Ha'atzma'ut? No? I thought perhaps Older Gal and I might be kind'a unique that way.
Here's are our best efforts. Notice that it's the evil cat who has reluctantly agreed to pose. He can't be all bad: