Happy Mother's Day all you women out there who sacrificed your bodies and all your time and every ounce of energy that you had just to put yet another human on this earth who will alternately adore and you and ceaselessly criticize your every move! This day's for you!
Anyhow, we've been busy like little bees here. The kids had the production of their play, and now they're world famous in Jewish Houston. Random strangers tell them what a great job they did, and suddenly parents and grandparents of my students realize why I look so familiar.
Yesterday was Houston's Art Car Parade, the country's oldest and largest. Two hundred and fifty THOUSAND people were expected to show up, and I'm pretty sure I handed out a KPFT 90.1 program guide to 249,000 of those people. So that's why my lips are sunburned and I practically got sunstroke.
It's worth it though, because the art car parade is like Christmas to me. Did you ever know anyone who said, "No matter what, I can never be sad on Christmas."? I know someone who says that, and it's true. No matter what kind of PURE HELL she happens to be living through during any particular year, Christmas day makes her truly happy.
A couple things do that for me, like seeing my gal sing or dance or hearing my boy scold the cat for getting near his miniature Torah. And the Art Car parade. I'm always happy at the art car parade. Here's a couple pictures:

Here's a woman painting the words, "Art Horse" onto a police horse:

The-Guy (who knows a song about a chicken, as opposed to the guy whose car is a giant chicken) and I had this conversation with the owner of the chicken car:
Me - "Do you have to get it inspected?"
Chicken-Car-Guy - "No. I just get tickets."
Me - "But you have a license plate on there."
Chicken-Car-Guy - "Yeah, I take it off my other car and put it on there."
The-Guy - "Do you have it insured?"
Chicken-Car-Guy - "Yes, but I have it insured as a Toyota truck, not as a giant chicken."
In other news, the Older Gal is hoping to become a binge drinker like me, so next up I have pictures of our cabinets and refrigerator, showing what an awesome job we're doing around here helping her to aspire to her goals.
Meanwhile I'm off to collect on what I'm sure will be a plethora of mother's day gifts and a day of pampering...or something. Happy Mother's Day!