I didn't get a picture of David Allen Coe, but The-Guy did get a picture of a sign. I don't even want to consider what type of special events are held in bathrooms:

The bathroom was working despite the lack of special events, so My Boy thought that maybe using the bathroom WAS the special event.
My Stepgal painted my toenails like this:

A five year old asked me if it came out of the bottle like that. I guess when you've grown up knowing skype and cell phones and all types of i-things, newsprint out of a bottle sounds completely plausible.
I'm not sure why anyone would want to start with "pee" no matter what one ends with, but evidently that's what they're condoning at My Boy's martial arts class:

I don't know why.
And that's it - another fine week! Wishing everyone a good one!