I'm up to Passover and there's where I stick for awhile. We got to meet a bunch of cousins for the first time. Here's my Sweet Pea with one of them:

A few random pictures NOT from Israel. These first two are from Half Price Books. I wonder which shelves hold the "old and boring" books?

And who the heck are supposed to read the children's books if the children aren't allowed to read them?

The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken and my boy hunted this zucchini:

Obviously zucchini burgers are on the menu.
In other news, unless I brought one home with me yesterday, I seem to have made it through an entire school year without catching lice. And I think I've planned enough projects for this summer to last me the next three summers.
Happy weekend and Memorial Day everyone!