I'm up to Passover and there's where I stick for awhile. We got to meet a bunch of cousins for the first time. Here's my Sweet Pea with one of them:

A few random pictures NOT from Israel. These first two are from Half Price Books. I wonder which shelves hold the "old and boring" books?

And who the heck are supposed to read the children's books if the children aren't allowed to read them?

The-Guy-Who-Knows-A-Song-About-A-Chicken and my boy hunted this zucchini:

Obviously zucchini burgers are on the menu.
In other news, unless I brought one home with me yesterday, I seem to have made it through an entire school year without catching lice. And I think I've planned enough projects for this summer to last me the next three summers.
Happy weekend and Memorial Day everyone!
SO are you going to have that zucchini stuffed, mounted and hang it on the wall? This is Texas after all...
Oh FUNNY! I can only imagine the context of the zucchini photo! Like, why is your boy in a suit and 'The Guy' so obviously NOT in a suit (and that's just for beginners hahaha) :-D
Old and interesting eh? Love it. Someone really put some thought into their categorization of those books. I would say that under 12s are not to read the books because, well, I mean, have you READ the Noddy books? They are FULL of inappropriateness. It os a wonder our parents are civilised at ALL with the sort of things they read about!!
Ok, why do the guys have guns...did they go hunting for the zucchini's, lol.
Your photo of that flower is stunning.
LOL, I will say it again, you find the most interesting signs :)
On another note, I think my score at the book binding shop, I would take that over the one your mom got, lol.
Hi Jill/Twipply Skwood, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog
Love that shot of the flower on the beach! Beautiful! As for the books... well those signs would just want me to break the rules ;) The Zucchini looks like it put up a good fight.
Of course Cid! Oh no wait...we actually already made zucchini steaks out of half of it.
Arizaphale - Aren't the outfits funny? I was about to take My Boy to a bar mitzvah that The-Guy wasn't attending, thus the mismatched dress. :-) If I read Noddy books, I can't remember it! I'll have to take a look next time I'm in that bookstore. It does sound familiar though...
Thanks Tracy! And yes! Of course they hunted zucchini! As Cid/Ceol Moors noted above, this is Texas after all!
Thanks Hapi? I've always wanted a glitter mouse pointer? I think.
Thanks Yolanda! Funny on the good fight! And we'd get along well I think - I don't care for being ordered around either.
Apparently your boy feels dressing up insures finding the largest zucchini!
Whoa - that is one humongous zucchini, alright!!!
Too weird - the books, that is. I agree with you! What, they don't want kids wrecking them or something?
If I did not have Hardy Boys when I was "under 12", there's no telling how I would have turned out. I probably wouldn't be carrying a handkerchief to this day, that's for sure. Although I've never had to use one as a gas mask while banging my way out of an industrial, rusty vat; they do come in quite handy!
i have to wonder why a someone would try to sell kids books not to kids.
i realize its children's 'nostalgia', but what the hell is that? books that talk about how great it was when you were a kid? very odd.
Fun Gal Julie - I'm pretty sure there's a dress code for hunting zucchini, isn't there? I'm not sure how The-Guy got away with just a t-shirt. :-)
Marlene & Slyde - I don't know. It seems like once you pay for them, what do they care? I think it must be the bad influences Arizaphale mentioned.
Cbeck - Yeah! It's a lucky thing you read those! Otherwise you might not have a handkerchief when you need one! Or a pocketful of boogers or tears either.
I rememeber my friend had all those Hardy Boys books in grade school!
Brave zucchini hunters! I heard those things are quite dangerous.
Mark - Yes, I heard it was quite fierce!
And now there is one less evil Zucchini in the world. Thanks to your brave knights.
SJ- I know!!! Don't you feel so much safer?!?!?
"Otherwise you might not have a ... pocketful of boogers or tears either."
Better than a handful! :D
Cbeck - Yeah, I used to tell The-Guy he liked, "old people stuff". But as it turns out a handkerchief really IS better than a handful of boogers or tears.
I bet the Old and Interesting are great reads... I wonder if a Tale of Two Cities is in there?
(Cucumber Butchers.....I bet they clubed it to death after they shot it and made it into a salad....THE HORROR!!!)
Bruce - I know! The baby seals got NOTHING on that cucumber I tell 'ya!!!!! Not sure on the Tale of Two Cities. :-)
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