At any rate, anyone remember how satan controls all fun? I think the person who thought up that church sign got fired, because every time I pass by that church these days, it says something boring like, "Visit us on Sunday!"
Or maybe the guy who thought up that sign just moved to a different church. Like maybe this church, where original thought for the day reads as so:

I call it "original" because I thought that people who interpret God's words for the masses steered away from what could possibly be misconstrued as innuendo. But I could be wrong. And after all, giving away and selling are nothing alike whatsoever.
The sign flips back and forth between that and this:

I guess that's for when people get confused by the whole "used and abused" theme and wonder what kind of establishment they've stumbled upon.
On that happy note, school started for teachers last week and yesterday was the first day of school for the kids, so that more or less explains my recent disappearance. A guest post by my Sweet Pea is in the works, but I have to wait until she's home to post.