To his immense relief, I didn't shove my boy next to a flower, but I might as well get him in here too:

Once you've driven the same route for like, three years in a row, you'd think you'd have taken pictures of all the good signs. But my sweet pea noticed this one which had been there all along.
I guess it's a good idea to combine a salon and a liquor store. That way, if you get a bad haircut or your dye job goes awry, at the very least you can fortify yourself a little before going out in public.

On my boring travels I also saw this thing on sale at Bed Bath and Beyond. It was originally $30, but it was marked down under $20 by the time I noticed it.
And it's so incredibly useful for that price! I mean, it acts as an alarm clock! You can use it to cook lasagne! And it makes your coffee in the morning!
Oh no...wait...all it does is put sprinkles on your cupcakes. Ok, so it will save you a sore wrist if you eat tons and tons of cupcakes each and every day. I'm sure it must be worth the money and kitchen space...

Last but not least, I saw this on those same boring travels. It's not funny, but I just liked it...even though I didn't get the entire truck:

That's about it!