I apparently wasn't so chatty in the month of February. Sorry blog world. I did see a few things worth posting, but somehow I didn't get around to taking an actual picture.
I did take a few pictures of the Sweet Pea though. Don't even ask why they're all different sizes. I'm sure there was a method to my madness that I can't remember.

She's not quite as bitter and resentful as she looks. She just decided she doesn't like how her smile turns out in pictures.
Actually, in that hoody sweatshirt one she kind of WAS bitter and resentful. But only because I asked her to take a picture in the rain. Drizzle really.
In other news, I'm getting near 6 months pregnant. Everyone keeps telling me I look so tiny. I wish they'd inform my veins and lower extremities. And in fact, if they could send an email to the scale in my doctor's office, I'd appreciate that too.
That's about it! Hope to post sooner next time.