Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Just Because A Magic Marker Is Washable And NonToxic and Has Had the Cap Left Off for Three Days

Just because a magic marker is washable and nontoxic and has had the cap left off for three days doesn't mean my kid can't find something disgusting to do with it.



Can't you just see the remorse all over her face? Oh no wait...that's marker all over her face.

Why is it that when you leave the lid off a marker for an hour and a half, you come back and can't write with it anymore. But when you leave the lid off for three days and therefore think it's relatively harmless, the kid uses it to cross pollinate herself with a pumpkin?

Couple other pictures and that's about it until I get to put her in some absurd costume for Halloween!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I LOVE this! And I LOVE that T Shirt!!! Inspired!!!!! What are you going to do with that beautiful baby? She's an orange mawed nightmare!!!!! hahahahahahaha

  2. The laws of physics don't apply until you are aware of them.

  3. Arizaphale - I wiped out the inside of her mouth with a baby wipe! :-0

    That's good to know Mark! Maybe that will help my boy with the physics class he's having such a hard time with!

  4. Haha! T shirt and baby are so cute!

  5. LMAO she is just a going concern isn't she, teehee.
    But an adorable one at that.
    I love her little cowgirl boots,,,so cute.
