I thought, you know, that you might live in a flood prone area if your friendly, neighborhood psychic operates on a boat:
But what my boy said was that they DIDN'T operate off a boat. They just knew when to pack up and get on one sooner than the rest of us.
Also, your kid may have been raised in and around Blogsilvania if while he's helping sort through the rubble and debris, he stops to snap a picture of a FEMA disaster preparation booklet which has been ruined by the flood:
Seriously though, the devastation here in Houston is just horrible, horrible, horrible.
And I am incredibly happy to say that the reason is that my boy was able to find and photograph that booklet was because his school excused high schoolers from taking their final exams as long as they are assisting with the flood relief.
I love my boy's school.
In all seriousness, things are bad in Houston right now, especially in the southwest part of town, although we were lucky not to have any damage at all. Normally it's a pain in the neck to live so far out, but this time it happened to be a benefit.
Because much of Houston looks like this:
Some of the more narrow roadways look like the parting of the Red Sea. Except, instead of water, it's the flood debris that parted:
This is road after road, house after house.
If, by chance, you're interested in helping out, here are some ways:
Texas Equusearch - nonprofit search and recovery organization
10 Ways to Help Houston Now - Very geared toward Houston locals
Houston Flood Relief Fund - geared toward anyone
I'm also having a
Jamberry fundraiser to benefit Equusearch. So if you needed nail wraps or nail polish or hand cream stuff, this is a GREAT cause.
In totally un-flood-related news, I have had a few posts on other websites, if you'd like to look around:
TODAY Parenting Team: Daddy's Home! We're SAVED!
Mom Babble, I explain why I don't have the energy to shelter my children from music. Oh...wait...no...it's not that I don't have the energy!
I mean...I actually DON'T have the energy, but my kids' exposure to music is still very deliberate. Read about it
And that's about it for this week. Hope you are having a good beginning of summer!