Oh muh DOSH! Iss donna be SO BEE-YOO-LIH-FULL!!!!!
(Oh my gosh! It's going to be SO BEAUTIFUL!)
~ The Head of Demolition, on every craft project that has ever existed

To misquote Bob Dylan and the Band (affiliate link - begrudge me if you may, but I'll make like a three cent finder's fee if you click and buy), I'm NOT tired of everything being "bee-yoo'-lih-full, bee-yoo'-lih-full" and I don't think I ever could be.
Three is a nice age, though I'm totally getting where the whole "Threenager" concept comes in. I do get tired of being ordered around by the little despot. The orders come fast and furious. Prompts elicit an exasperated "puh-LEEZ!"
And we wait in vain for a bedtime that doesn't involve 753 delay tactics followed by and/or combined with lots and lots of screaming. But, in general, everything is bee-yoo'-lih-full, bee-yoo'-lih-ful around here. Who could argue with that smile?
Meanwhile, I received a copy of my own book yesterday!
The kid is enchanted, and full of "I wanna do dat one and dat one and dat one!"

The surgeon general has NOT determined that this book will turn a threenager, a terrible two, or an f'ing four or five into pleasant child flitting through fields of educational rainbows, unicorns, and monster trucks. But still...worth a shot, right?!?
(More affiliate links. Please do your best not to sue me. The three cents probably won't cover that.)
Oh I remember three. It was indeed a lovely age. Congrats on the book too!
Thanks Arizaphale!
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