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The great thing about Hanukkah books is that they're supposed to be full of miracles and the unbelievable. So don't even have to think twice when latkes get up to walk away or an old woman thinks a bear is a human or a polar bear decides NOT to eat a lonely traveler for lunch.
I've grouped these books for older kids and younger kids, but it really depends on the maturity of the child, so mix and match! I've started with the ones for older kids and sort of worked back.

Chanukah and Hanukkah books for elementary aged kids:
Simon is saved rather than eaten by a polar bear. The pictures in this book are just beautiful:Simon and the Bear: A Hanukkah Tale
The Chanukkah Guest
Latkes taste even better after they've gotten their heart rate up running around all over town:
The Runaway Latkes
The basic story from beginning to end:
The Story of Hanukkah
A goblin gives Jacob special dreidels, but first he has to foil Fruma Sarah's plans to steal them: