My point is, I have been kind of deciding whether to continue this blog at all. Back when I started it a decade ago, I had a good old time posting silly signs. But these days everyone is already posting the same type of thing on Facebook so why click all the way to a blog?
I like having recipe posts up because it's easy to send a recipe to friend or my children and they do get a TON of views. are not that fun to post.
So for today I just decided on a little family update and a giveaway review.
Family update: we are fighting fruit flies like crazy, my boy got his license, and the Head of Demolition, Little Miss Four Years Old has strep and possibly hand, foot & mouth disease.
Still cute though, no?

Now onto the giveaway review. Once upon a time my now 21 year old wanted to win a jacket online. I told her, "No one wins that stuff!" But I was wrong. She won a beautiful teal jacket that she loved for many years.
Ever since I have been AMAZED at how much stuff gets given away over the internet. And yeah sure every now and then there's a scandal and maybe actually someone didn't win something. But mostly, there's just a ton of bloggers and social media influences out there hoping that if they give away enough stuff, you'll follow them on Facebook or whatever.
I've won a couple Amazon cards, some books, a cheese plate, and a bunch of fabric that I ended up giving to Goodwill because I forgot when I entered the giveaway that I don't actually sew.
In any case, here are a couple I saw this week that I thought were interesting:
- Canon EOS Rebel T5 Digital SLR Camera (plus a lightbox and some kind of start up photo course)
- Lego (or Lego compatible?) Star Trek Enterprise building set
The silliest giveaway I've seen this week is one for 2000 Flushes (plus a $25 Walmart gift card).
And of course, you can still find so many, many other giveaways to enter (or links for your own giveaway) on my giveaway page.
DISCLAIMER: First off, the three giveaway pictures are NOT mine (they came from Pixabay) and do NOT show the actual prize. Secondly, I am NOT running any of these giveaways. They are just the most interesting ones I happened to see while I was looking around (I mean 2000 Flushes!). I am not responsible for providing the prizes nor are the giveaways associated with me in any way, shape or form. So please don't sue me.