Once we confined him to the bathroom, he more or less stopped peeing on everything. Not only that but he actually LIKES living in the bathroom. How do we know, you ask?
Because one night last weekend we accidentally left the bathroom door open all night. In the morning we worried that he would be elsewhere in the house, peeing on the new carpet or something. Nope. He was still in the bathroom after an entire night of potential freedom.
So see? He likes it there. He's a genuine Bathroom Cat.
Stay tuned next time when Nimue the Bathroom Cat makes the treacherous journey from basket in the closet to under the bathroom counter!
Link up your own Wordless Wednesday here! Even if it has those pesky words in it.
Aww! what a lovely cat heheh love the look and pose :-)
Have a posetastic week :-)
This kitty is so dang cute, we have 2 and love them in our lives or maybe in their lives.
Thanks for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girl this week.
Have a great week!
Karren :)
Cute indeed. Hi Nimue :)
What a pretty cat. And I love the name. Nimue. Is there a story to that?
Nimue makes me miss my kitty that we had to leave behind when we moved. :( kidcandoodle
We initially had our kitten in the guest room but she roams the house now. She just pees in one spot, my husbands seat! He doesn't know lol, I keep either catching her or cleaning it. Stinking kitty!
We have 4 outdoor cats and 1 indoor cat. She (the indoor cat has been misbehaving quite a lot lately, but not in a bad way like peeing everywhere.
What Ii worry about is her jumping off the balcony to be with the outdoor cats.
On return from our overseas trip and after 2 weeks with a house sitter, the stupid eldest cat seems to have stopped peeing in inappropriate places. Mind you, we continue to roll back the rugs at night!!
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