I still get about two searches a day for motorized ride on beer coolers. Unfortunately, those people just like READING about motorized coolers and don't particularly want to buy one, so my beer cooler selling friend changed careers.
I get a lot for lesson plans and other teacher stuff. I sort of doubt I'm much help.
I haven't been getting near the searches for body piercings lately. So, in order to amend that, let me just say: navel pierce, belly button ring, body jewelry, and piercing studio!
Just in case I landed anyone with that one, let me dole out the only advice I have: No matter how many people tell you to use only soap and water on a new body pierce, I say "Put sunscreen on that baby!" And stay off the roller blades for at least a week or two.
Here are a few of the google searches I thought odd, interesting, funny, or some combination thereof:
Balding toothpaste (Actually, if your toothpaste had hair to begin with, I’d be worried already.)
Should i call the man i'm dating (I think I’ve stated my opinion pretty clearly on this one as a “no”.)
Scabies preschool teacher (None for me, thanks!)
I get quite a few for this one:
Dating a cokehead (Since these people seemed to have missed it: Don’t do it!)
dating for six months and no call (In the words of my brother, “If the dude’s not calling, the dude’s not calling.”)
how to compose my own dj jingles (What does that even mean?!?!? I’ve stalked a lot of DJs in my day & I don't remember any of them coming complete with jingles…maybe one has to listen to commercial radio to understand.)
"lick the toilet" (Way more people than I ever realized are curious about toilet licking. Who’d’a thunk?)
a professional word for poop (I would like to suggest “bowel movement.”)
traumatized washing machine (I’d like to know more about this myself.)
My semi-normal life (I might be able to help there. My life seems almost semi-normal at times…)
great naked stories (When you find out, let us know, would’j’a?)
And finally, one where I can actually be of use:
"nicest bathroom award"
I categorized them all under "bar bathrooms", because I didn't really understand the tagging system at the time. But here, here, and here are my awards.
And if you choose to seek them out, have a great time performing bodily functions in a clean location!