Here's my man, pretending to cough up a hairball in order to offer Sugar moral support. Misery loves company. Ain't hairballs the sexiest?

My sweet pea and my boy had "Star Day" at school. My gal was a famous ballerina whose name I can't remember, and my boy was the Jewish Woody Guthrie, although his tzit tzit aren't that noticeable in the picture and his yarmulke is covered by the hat.

My gal was also inducted into one of her three religious youth groups. It was a really nice ceremony type thing, sort of. Except I've been calling it an anti-religious group, because the induction was on the sabbath.

These are the non-chicken hotels:

I'd been calling them chicken hotels, because look at the three story high itty bitty windows. I figured it must be something alive in there to require windows, and what live animal could be stacked three stories high like that?
Except the Guy suspected holes in my deductive reasoning powers. He thought cattle was a more likely inhabitant. So we emailed three of the pictures older gal took to someone the guy knows who knows about trains. And he emailed someone else, who emailed yet another train expert.
Alas and alack it turns out that they are not chicken hotels but articulated auto carriers, mostly used by Honda and Nissan.
It's not as boring as it sounds though. Because the itty bitty windows are not so the chickens can have a beautiful view, but so the drivers of the automobiles can exit the train cars. It's a tight squeeze in there, apparently.
So that's been what we've been up to here at Ranch Twipply Skwood. Photographing non-chicken hotels, coughing up hairballs and the like. Hope everyone has had a good week!
Hhhm did not know that about the so called chicken hotels!! Thank you for leaving such nice comments on my blog, it alway surprizes me that people read my little bio and how many comments I have had about my motto. It is a good goal to have and not as lofty as one might think. I think some poeple mistake it with a goal for perfection, however I see it as a reminder to do the things I love everyday, learn from my mistakes and live in the possitive. That way it is hard to regret something when you learned or gained something. Thanks for stopping by. Lydia :)
They didn't put windows in the car decks of the cross channel ferries in the UK :-(...I feel deprived. The fumes were awful as you waited to disembark. I do have intimate experience with aninimal carrying vehicles though. In the bush they transport cows and sheep (although not chickens to my knowledge) in huge trucks called 'road trains'. Sometimes the driver gets a little tired as he crosses the outback and stops his road train in a lay-by just beside a tiny townlet, for a snooze. This happens at 2am usually and the layby is right next to the house of the teacher in that tiny townlet. Several hundred cows or sheep in a road train can make a LOT of NOISE at 2am as they jostle each other in their mobile home. I don't know how that driver slept through the racket because I certainly couldn't!!!!
And all that just came back to me from seeing your photos :-)
Hairballs. Bleuch. We don't have hairballs but we do have a cat with a trigger esophagus. I am forever cleaning up piles of undigested cat food. I swear I do not know how that cat gets ANY nutrition >:-(
Lovin' Woody Guthriestein!
Don't you just love that the cat has to cough up their fur balls on the carpet.
Our cat is our daughters so she has to clean them up. So she ends up chasing our cat with paper towel under her. LOL
I guess that the driver of said cars have to be real skinny.
You're welcome Lydia! It seems like you would have to start really, really young to end up with none whatsoever though.
Arizaphale - Yeah but the drivers have to EXIT those windows! Still, it's probably great for them not to die from exhaust though. I wonder if they've ever lost a passenger on the ferry that way?
The drivers - they're probably so used to the noise they don't even notice. Sounds like hell for you though. I say that because just my cat meowing outside our door at night is driving me stark, raving, mad.
On the hairballs - I wonder if that's what's wrong with one of our cats?!? Because sometimes there's TONS of food in the "hairball".
Tracy - That's lucky! I need to get one of my kids to adopt a cat or two I guess. Actually, I have to admit that older gal cleaned up cat puke just on her own one day! For no reason!
SJ - That's what I thought! In fact, I wanted to name the post, "Contrary to popular belief these are not chicken hotels driven by jockeys". But the post was already so long and meandering that I couldn't really think of how to work that part in.
I'd say any man who will cough up a hairball is a keeper!
Janet - I didn't really realize that the hairball was the telltale sign! I thought it was because when I met him he didn't have a TV. He ***is*** a keeper though!!!!!!!!!
Great pics!
I'm sure the non- chicken hotels don't SMELL like real chicken hotels... well, I hope not, anyway. Eew.
Great pics!
I'm sure the non- chicken hotels don't SMELL like real chicken hotels... well, I hope not, anyway. Eew.
Thanks Loraine! I actually had a really hard time with the pictures, because our house is SO dark & we leave for school before it gets light out. As for the chicken hotels, I'm sorry to say I've never been close enough to smell. :-)
That way it is hard to regret something when you learned or gained something. Thanks for stopping by.
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