I've been meaning to post this picture for a good, long time. Because I'm just sure this place must have a sister company named, "
The Failure in Life Center"

From this picture it's pretty evident that it's a church, because of the Easter message. It was more ambiguous the first time I saw it. But, just in case there was any doubt, my friend Missy discovered that actually it has drive through prayer:

Yeah so anyway, it turns out success in life is practically guaranteed because they have COUPONS for counseling with the pastor.

I didn't even know you NEEDED a coupon to see a pastor.
I'll bet the sister company, "The Failure in Life Center" has a coupon for a pastor who rushes you and only feigns interest in your problems.
I saw this food product at the grocery store. I honestly like stuff made out of soybeans. In fact, I truly prefer soy sausage to pig sausage. But if I'm going to eat tofu, I like it to at least PRETEND to look like a familiar food.

I mean, is "Good Stuff" fake chicken? Fake pork? I like to know what it is I'm not eating.
I saw this game from Discovery Toys. Man, the fun and intensity that game must offer! I bet kids can hardly wait to be safe!

Here's my boy, winning the Keter Shem Tov award. I'm pretty sure that's an award for making his mom proud.

Here's my Sweet Pea, not studying for finals. I have a hard time forcing her to study when she's doing something so productive.

Let's see, I didn't actually get a picture of Older Gal making me proud this week. She did kill a cockroach with her shoe though, and asked if she could go into Gaza when we go to Israel ("Only if you want to be stoned!" replied Younger Gal), both of which I thought were pretty brave from a gal who is at loose ends if she has to drive through flood waters.
That's our week! School's out, so I'm hoping for a come back!
Coupon & drive through prayer pictures
This is the funniest thing ever! Thanks, Jill!
got to love the souther bible belt- from a safe distance.
Did I see an expiration date on that coupon? THAT must be when the pastor starts to rush you and feign interest in your problems. And
"You will leave knowing what to do about your problem..."????? That's a pretty big guarantee..............
But drive through prayer????? That takes the cake. Hilarious.
Thanks Dave!
Disa - It's probably best enjoyed from a distance. I imagine.
Arizaphale - Yeah, I didn't actually realize you had to STOP your car to pray.
What do you mean I'm at loose ends when I have to drive through flood waters??? Thanks for getting bananas by the way.
That is totally hilarious. Where do you find these signs. LOL.
Drive thru prayer LOL.
No dead cockroach picture tsk, tsk.
If the church doesn't succeed in making me a success where would the failed success church go to succeed?
(Am so glad I am typing not saying this)
Older Gal - You're welcome! And, y'know, "at loose ends" just sounded better than "sobbing". :-)
Tracy - I KNOW!!!! I totally should have gotten a picture! I was so grateful!
SJ - I think...I have no idea. The Rehabilitation Church for Failed Successes?
Judging by the picture, if you manage to park in this church, you're already a success. Awesome that they have a drive-thru, though, just in case those forward+cut to the left parking spots are too complicated.
Awww...poop....blogger is acting up on me and I can't see all the photos!
I'm totally with you on the whole "I'd like to know what I'm not eating" bit...LOL.
I am sure that left out of the bible some eons ago, there was a passage from God that said "Go Forth and Advertise My Name!".
I noticed that the coupons have an expiratio date on them. What happens if it is expired. Does the paster slam his door and throw you out of the church, or does he just charge you for listening at that point.
I know that here in Phoenix, we have "Pregnancy Crisis Centers"...which in fact are run by evangelical front churches that try and talk women OUT of having an abortion and taking the child to term. God forbid they simply call themselves 'structured pregnancy planning'.
It is not the quantity of followers it is the quality. And you have quality followers ;)
I am not sure how I got 100 followers, I didn't do any freebee's.
Funny People!
:-( Sorry Marlene.
Bruce - That's probably it. "Sorry, you're coupon has expired. Sheesh! You should have had these problems LAST month!"
Tracy - Yeah, giveaways seem to be a big thing, huh? Where are those cats anyway? Next six comments are eligible for a giveaway of two good for nothing cats...
God you live in a surreal place.
Oh, and if you want to know what you're eating then you probably shouldn't buy food in a box ;)
AFM - Yeah, I never really thought of it that way, but I guess so. As far as food out of boxes, my rule of thumb is not to buy food that has ingredients I can't pronounce. :-)
new follower from darlene's blog here. i have to tell you, i typically love soy items like veggie burgers and fake chicken nugs, etc. i bought one of the products from that same brand in your photo and hated it :( i was really bummed out. it was like fake chicken picatta or something. just thought i'd add my two cents in there :)
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