Would they even give you this if you requested it as a vanity plate?

I think each and every one of us needs one of these propane torches:

Flaming for all seasons! Hundreds of large AND small jobs!!!! What more could a body want!?!? I mean...aside from a license plate that announces one's STD.
Here's our new dishwasher detergent:

If the new stuff is "complete", does that make our old detergent "incomplete"?

And which parts of the dishes did it not wash?!?
I wonder if this sign stops crime all by itself?

And how much crime does the field around it actually get, anyway?

I thought this was a nice Houston area picture. The longhorn isn't quite in the shade of the superhighway, but almost:

Good evening, my name is Sugar, and I will be your waiter this evening:

Can I get you some coffee or perhaps some dessert?

It's very distressing to have a cat as a waiter, apparently. But not as distressing as having an STD for a license plate.
But probably it can all be cured with a personal propane torch anyway. That's my guess.
So STD 1 through 221 were taken? I WOULD drive around with an STD 69.
STD! LOL....I think I'd have to refuse that one! Love the kitty...so CUTE!
I've always wanted to steal a crime stoppers sign. I could do it... I have the faith.
C'mon you need to "out" the other cat sometime.
IF the detergent doesn't complete the job you always have the torch. Burn away your cares and food stains.
What exactly is the crime stoppers sign FOR?
Your Sugar is such a gent. My girls wouldn't dream of making themselves so helpful. Surely it is OUR job to wait on THEM???????
I've got a few jobs I think the propane torch could handle. No2 Sons' bedroom for example....
Do NOT use the torch to handle your STD.
Oh, I hope my dh doesn't hear about that propane torch..he's been in 'gopher wars' since we put our lawn in...and I know he'd be tempted!!
I get that number plate... really I do... cos mine supports gay rights *LOL*
LGB*** (altho they missed the T!)
and don't flame the torch (blatant pun ;-) - I have one - they ROCK
Funny people!
Thanks Marlene!
Lana - Please just don't steal that particular sign from that particular field, ok? Because that sign is probably the only thing that's stopping all kinds of crime in that area!
SJ - Yeah, that's exactly why I need a blow torch. And I'll see what I can do about that other cat I never talk about.
SO funny Arizaphale on the torch use! The guy in the propane torch store said the sign was just to remind people that crime stoppers exists just in case they wanted to commit a crime right then. He didn't really explain why that would deter them though.
Funny Christine!
CJ - Maybe they WOULD give it out as a vanity plate! You should find out. :-)
Karen Sue - oooh...I don't know. Gopher wars and propane torches...
Shell - As should we all! (own a propane torch). Probably another plate they wouldn't have given you had you asked. :-)
lol Hey, that's our dishwasher detergent, too! I have to say it's more complete than the old brand I used which didn't COMPLETELY complete the job.
Sugar is bee-autiful! We need to see more of him!
Wow 222 STD's. Well at least he warns all his honeys before hand teehee.
Thanks Janet! I made sure to tell Sugar and Older Gal you said so. It sort of makes up for what a pain in the neck he is. Sometimes. :-) :-) :-)
Funny Tracy!!!
A propane torch as weed control.....I wants me one of those.
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