If it IS a crime, we definitely didn't do that and I just got these photos elsewhere on the internet without crediting them.
Wait, that might be a crime too...
In any case, here's a random county courthouse they might or might not have been renovating in Texas or some other state that someone may or may not have walked into because the door was unlocked. Isn't it beautiful?

But The-Guy took these pictures. I got close enough, but never steady enough, and the wind was blowing them all around making it extra hard to get a good shot if you were already shaking.
So that's set number two on the honeymoon pictures! More to come and hopefully some wedding photos soon too!
I've informed Interpol about your crimes against realty. Expect a knock on the door at an unearthly hour.
I love sneaking into...I mean, legally entering unlocked public buildings! Especially small county courthouses!!!
Those spider pictures gave me the serious willies. (shudder) :-)
Sj - Well, okay. As long as it's an unearthly hour, and not an ungodly hour, or the crack of dawn or anything. :-) :-) :-)
Nej - I KNOW!!!!! I was like, totally fascinated and scared at the exact same time! I didn't want to get any closer than I had to, but then again, I couldn't move away until I had a good picture. Luckily The-Guy had mercy on me and snapped these two!
very nice picture thanks for sharing...
You had me grinning along to the nice pics, especially that nice court house...
and then...
you socked it to me with that eight legged beast from hell!!!!!!!! AAAAACK!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful photos, spider not so much. LOL
Courthouse was gorgeous! Worth the brush with the law. Surprisingly, because I loathe spiders with the loathing of loathy loathers, I didn't mind the photos. Maybe because I know these ones are pretty harmless...although vile when you walk into them in the dark and have to go like 'aaaagh,aaauuugh,' and rip all your clothes off because there might be a spider on your person..........
Thanks Blessed Ladybug!
Marlene - But hey! I gave some warning at least & stuck in a tractor picture for those that wanted to FLEE! :-)
Tracy - Coming from a woman who had a similar picture on her blog - and you took yours yourself!! And with your hand in the picture no less!
Arizaphale - Yeah, my gal just finished telling me that they call those kind banana spiders. She said that they're not poisonous but just really hurt. They apparently had quite a few (and scorpions - one of her friends got bitten) at camp.
Nice spiders! We had a Brown Widow in the house. SEXY!
They didn't have security guards in the court house? It's your playground.
How does 4:36 AM on a Sunday sound to you? :)
That spider!!! WOW!!! I would just stop at the brewery and call it a day.
Honeymoon looks like it went gangbusters.
Which set of legs are the bits between on those two spiders? I no see 'em! (At least if I just look I won't get eaten this way)
People - Well that makes me feel better! It was kind of weird because it was a very small town and one of the three or so residents watched us leave the building.
SJ - That would be perfect. But could it be a weekday? I'm usually getting up around that time anyway.
Ricardo - Yeah, the brewery was great. And they give out free samples too!
John - Real life creepy crawlies! I think they can't get you through the computer screen, but it never hurts to be extra careful! :-)
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