If all goes as planned, I'm not actually posting this right now, I'm listening to my boy read Torah!

Except, hopefully he's wearing a suit instead of Christmas colors. At least that's the plan anyway. You know, the plans I've had more than two years to make, but decided to pack into two and half weeks instead?
At any rate happy birthday to my boy! He's thirteen today, on his bar mitzvah day!!!!
I hope everyone had a great week and has a great weekend and I will catch up with everyone because VACATION!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday and Mazel Tov!!!
Happy Birthday!
"Barchu et adonay hamevorach"!!! I remember!!!
Mazel Tov! Happy Day to you and your son.
Mazel Tov to "the boy" and your entire family. WHOO HOO - vacation!!!
Happy Birthday to your son.
Enjoy your vacation, you need it.
Thanks Cid!
Wow People! You should have come to the bimah! 'Cause we were all having to cram. :-)
Thank you Nicki & Julie!!!! He done good!
Thanks Tracy & boy do I ever!!!!!!!
How very wonderful! Happy birthday to your son and Mazel Tov!
I've also had parties that I planned in my head for two years, but at the last minute, ended up scrambling anyway. Life happens!
Happy birthday to your son! I agree the internet is magical. Love that your thinking ahead!
I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures. What a great occasion! I'm sure he was outstanding. Can I say Mazel Tov too? Even though I only heard it in 'Fiddler on the Roof'???
Yeah! That's it exactly!!!! It was planned in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Maria!
Thanks Suzy! The internet is amazing stuff, isn't it?
Arizaphale - I'll have to check the rules, but I think you're allowed to say it on Monday afternoons only... (KIDDING! Of course :-) Thank you - I think he was outstanding, if I do say so myself. :-) And I took some pictures off of a friend's facebook and the ones I took at home, so I have a post up! I'm going to have more pictures later.
Happy B-day and congrats to you and your son! I'm sure it was a fabulous day. Things like that have a way of coming together! :)
Janet - Thank you! And you're right, it did!!!!!
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