My dad's been asking for tummy pictures though, so I asked the Sweet Pea to take some today. These are 28 weeks/six months:

Everyone's been telling me that it's so much easier to find clothing for a girl baby than a boy baby. They say there are so many more choices for girls. And that is 100% the absolute truth. As long as you don't mind dressing your baby like she's been dipped in Pepto Bismol.
It's true. The choices these days are more or less boyish or pink. I even had to buy a her a pink House of Blues baby t-shirt, 'cause the only other choice was blue. And a girl's gotta have one of those. Apparently.
In any case, I made it to spring break, so I should have more posts coming up soon.
You look AMAZING! Such a beautiful belly there and Sweet Pea did a great job on the photos.
I've given up and just embraced the pink. It was just too damned hard although I do have a little black and pink AC/DC shirt to pass down to you!
Thanks Cid! And embrace the pink...I'll try, I'll try. We did manage a green car seat and stroller. I can't understand why they even do pink and blue on the expensive stuff. Don't most people have more than one baby?
On the AC/DC shirt - YAYY!!!!!! That sounds adorable!!!! For a little while I had this fantastic idea to only dress her in band t-shirts. But then I figured out that 1) they're kind of expensive and 2) most bands I like don't actually make baby t-shirts. :-)
You look amazing! And I had two boys before my baby girl. I also had to embrace the pink. Funny thing was that once she was born I started to kinda like it :). Never thought I would either. People these days are spoiled and buy new everything for each child :).
Your are so beautiful!!! and your daughter did a great job on the shots!
There is nothing more beautiful that that round belly and those big boobs on top. I love the blinds picture best
You really look great! :-) Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks Suzy! Maybe the pink will grow on me. The funny thing is, it was my 16 year olds FAVORITE color when she was four (just like it is for ALL four year old girls, I'm pretty sure). So I painted her room pink, & she immediately started to hate it. :-) :-) ;-)
Thanks Reds! And she'll be glad to hear it!
Thanks Mark! Neither of us had ever tried a silhouette before so we were just bumbling through!
Thanks Staci! You too!
Your daughter did a great job! Love the belly pics! will treasure these. You're looking great! And with the clothes....what about online overseas stuff? We had masses of choice when the BA was a pup. She was in a lot of purple, navy and yellow as I recall.
Try here or maybethis....
Awwww you are so beautiful. Well your belly is, can't really see your face in these photos ;)
How cute is your belly ring, teehee.
Hope you are well.
That's awesome. You have a baby in your belly!
Thanks Margie!
Thanks Arizaphale! And thanks for the links! But, you know, even those the majority are pink. The art teacher at my school was saying that she thinks it's bec. so many people know what they're having before the baby is born these days. I have managed to find some pretty green stuff. And a little orange and pink, which to me isn't as bad as straight pink.
Thanks Dr. Zibbs & Tracy & Blogger Father! Tracy the belly button ring with the baby feet I think might have been the very first thing I bought, baby or pregnancy-wise. :-)
The first thought that came into my head when I saw your belly was "OW!". Not for the method that the baby will be getting OUT of your belly, but b/c of the piercing above (on, around, over?) the belly!
Btw, I LOVE the picture of you taken in shadow - very artistic!
Omg, just beautiful!!
And does it pertain to PEDOPHILIA?
With DISNEY & mob?
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