Friday, February 14, 2014

You Know When is an Awesome Time to Start Up an Internet Business? When you Don't Have any Internets...

Yeah so it takes me a long time to do dishes these days because in addition to having "help", I see something super cute like this...

And then I have to rush over to get my phone and take video. But when I do, the song stops playing. So then I have to just turn on the regular radio and you can't see the part where she has her little fists all up in the air dancing to Steve Earle. Or the part where she hits her head on the refrigerator.

But she still looks cute. She can't help it.

In any case, if it seems like I haven't been posting all that much it's because...when I was supposed to be packing to visit my mom and dad over New Years, I decided to sell Jamberry nails. About which a friend said, "You must REALLY not like packing!"

And while we're up there, we usually don't have so many internets.

But the baby does get to eat snow.

And potholder loops disguised as bracelets.

So then we come home and everyone gets sick. And then when we're well I can't find the stylus to my tablet to process pictures. And I blame the baby, and a different friend says "she just hasn't passed it yet".

But it turned out that the baby hadn't eaten my stylus. She just attempted to eat it, at which point I hid it so well that I couldn't even find it.

So then The Guy found it and I was all ready to blog, except we ran out of internets again.

You know what's truly awesome? Trying to get started on an internet sales business on a phone. But the Comcast guy came and saved us all and so now I can post pictures and stuff.

In the mean time, if you've been starved for baby pictures, I've put a ton of them right here on this page because...surely cute baby pictures sell nail wraps, right?