Friday, May 29, 2015

12 Easy Steps to a Typical Meal with Just-Turned-Three Year Old

Here's what lunch with the Head of Demolition looks these days:

1) Spill open faced sandwich face down on the floor
2) Cry because Mom won't allow eating the part that fell in cat fur
3) Cry for food off Mom's plate
4) Cry over not having enough food
5) Demand more food from refrigerator without finishing food on plate
6) Cover food with placemat in retaliation for Mom's non-compliance
7) Cry because plate gets taken away
8) Promise to eat food on plate
9) Eat just enough bites of food from returned plate to gain food from fridge
10) Cry for more food from fridge
11) Declare end of meal
12) Abandon new food

Someone remind me - when is it exactly that these people become good company at meals?  I remember enjoying meals with the older kids; I just can't remember when!

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